It's time for a new clutch on the JK. Has anyone installed a Centerforce clutch on thier JK with the 3.6? I would like to hear your likes and or dislikes on it. I'm looking at getting the dual friction kit.
I ran on on my TJ on the AX5 and I have one in the AX15 conversion. I have had no issues with either one. You know how much you have to slip it on the rocks. I would suggest a new flywheel and of course and new TB. I know MBeer had one and did not like it. If you don’t go CF, suggest LUK
Yeah I am planning on getting the kit with the flywheel.
I was leaning towards getting the dual friction disk kit but the more I research it sounds like the centerforce 2 kit with the non dual friction disk is all I would need. The kits are the same price.
ACT makes the best clutches in my experience. Lots of research into these, they are hands down the clutch experts.
Mine are dual friction
I ran on on my TJ on the AX5 and I have one in the AX15 conversion. I have had no issues with either one. You know how much you have to slip it on the rocks. I would suggest a new flywheel and of course and new TB. I know MBeer had one and did not like it. If you don’t go CF, suggest LUK